c. Jeff Busby
This month we had the pleasure of interviewing the recently promoted principal artist of The Australian Ballet, Callum Linnane. Callum was accepted into The Australian Ballet School in 2008 and graduated dux with honours. He joined The Australian Ballet in 2015; he was promoted to coryphée in 2017, to soloist in 2018, to senior artist in 2021, and to principal artist in 2022. Callum was recognised as Telstra’s dancer of the year in 2016 and has delivered incredible performances as The Prince in Alexei Ratmansky's Cinderella and Vaslav Nijinsky in John Neumeier's Nijinsky amongst many others.
In 3 words, what does dance mean to you?
Necessity, expression, truth.
Favourite ballet to dance?
My favourite ballet to dance is probably John Neumeier's Nijinsky. It holds a special place in my heart as it was the first full-length principal role I performed. I loved the movement vocabulary and having the opportunity to dive into Vaslav's psyche.
Do you believe that ballet is a readily accessible art-form?
I believe there is still work to be done in this area. For example, if you grow up in a remote area, there may not be a ballet school close enough to attend a class. And even if you do, ballet class can be very expensive for families considering the class cost, uniform, shoes etc. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as the exposure to sports one gets at school. You can send your child to school, and at lunchtime, they can kick a footy around, they can play some basketball, or they can pick up a pen and paper and draw something. I wish it were a little easier to access ballet in everyday life. The one positive is that it's easy to watch ballet online and through social media.
What is a typical misconception about ballet that you would like to set straight?
That it's entirely feminine. Ballet requires strength and discipline. Moving your body to music has nothing to do with femininity or masculinity - it's just expressing oneself however that may be for the person.
What are you reading right now?
"Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris.
1 thing that most people don't know about you?
I love listening to ASMR. It’s so calming.
Ballet Without Borders aims to allow children from disadvantaged backgrounds to experience ballet- if you had ultimate power for a day what would you do to make this happen?
I would arrange for every single child to experience a ballet performance. So in every little town, everywhere, there is a world-class ballet performance that is free to go and watch. Maybe that will inspire the next generation of dancers who may never have even crossed paths with ballet.
Favourite ballet to watch?
This changes all the time. But right now I would happily watch The Lady of the Camellias by John Neumeier or Shoot the Moon by Paul Lightfoot and Sol Leon.
If you could go back to a point in time in your life, what advice would you give yourself?
I would tell my 12 year old self to stretch more! No, I would also tell my teenage self to go lightly. Don't get so emotional about things. If you take the emotion out of things, you can approach things with a clearer mind and not get so upset and angry. This applies to life in the ballet studio and outside of the studio. And one more thing, stop worrying about what other people think.
You have been given an elephant! You cannot sell it or give it away, what do you do?
I care for this elephant, this elephant and I become the best of friends and live a happy life together.